Wednesday 27 May 2015

Adidas is Leading The Way

football IS changING and
adidas is leading the WAY

Out with the old, in with the new. adidas retires entire boot range.

Kuala Lumpur, 27 May, 2015 – The game of football has changed over the years. Positions, traits and attributes that mattered before are irrelevant now. There’s a new set of rules. Forget everything you thought you knew about football, the future is now and adidas is leading from the front.

In an unexpected new video released today, players including Leo Messi, Thomas Müller, Luis Suarez and Oscar sparked a revolution and announced the end of adidas’ existing on field boot silos. No more Predator, f50, 11Pro and Nitrocharge.

adidas has always been the leading brand in football innovation and, working with top coaches such as Pep Guardiola and Jose Mourinho, they have identified that the game has changed and instead of previously defined player types or positions, modern football teams nowadays need only two types of player on the pitch.

Speaking ahead of the launch of adidas’ latest product breakthrough, Pep Guardiola said: “It’s chaos or control. You need both. They are part of the game. Part of the field. You need players who have to analyse what you have to do. And there are other ones who have to be a bit free and show his talent as much as possible. When you have a team you mix both types of ideas. You have a big advantage.”

The football world will wake up and take notice on today when adidas’ revolutionary new products designed for the modern game are unveiled for the first time.  In the meantime, fans can follow @adidasfootball #BETHEDIFFERENCE on twitter to join the conversation.

Welcome to the new adidas football. Welcome to Ace and X.

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Utusan Malaysia boleh tukar nama jadi Utusan Wahhabi.

Dari Al-Fadhil Ustaz Mustaffa Kamal:

Sekiranya kamu melempar timba di dalam telaga, kemudian menariknya ke atas tiba-tiba didapati di dalam timba itu tiada air, maka janganlah kamu terus mengatakan telaga itu tiada air di dalamnya sehinggalah engkau sendiri melihatnya, boleh jadi tali timbamu pendek sedangkan telaga itu dalam begitulah gambarannya apabila kamu membahaskan sesuatu persoalan maka janganlah kamu cepat-cepat menjatuhkan hukum dengan mengatakan tiada dalilnya sedangkan kamu tidak menjumpai dalil-dalilnya, sehinggalah kamu bertanya pada orang yang lebih arif daripadamu atau merujuk kepada kitab2 yang muktabar, tali timba yang pendek masakan dapat menyentuh air pada telaga yang dalam.

Di antara persoalan seperti zikir menari, cium kaki ulama (bukan sujud), tawasul, yaqazah dan seumpamanya sudah lama dibahaskan oleh ulama silam dan mereka membenarkannya dengan nas yang jelas dari Al Quran atau Al Hadis atau kedua-duanya.

Firman Allah yg bermaksud "Bertanyalah pada ahli zikir jika kamu tidak mengetahuinya".

Ketahuilah ilmu disertai dengan zikir melahirkan adab, tawaduk, taqwa, berhati-hati dalam menghukum dan seumpamanya dan ilmu tidak disertai dengan zikir membawa kepada keras hati, cepat menyalahkan orang dan seumpamanya. Semoga Allah memelihara orang yang membaca status ini.