Sunday, 20 March 2011

The United States of Terror in action.

The United States of Terror has succeeded to convince the UN Security Council, with the exception of China and Russia,  to pass the 'No Fly Zone' resolution over Libya. The UST and her deputy sheriffs namely the United Kingdom, Canada and France then took the opportunity to attack Libya.

According to the international media, overnight 110 cruise missiles were launched supposedly targetting Libya's air defence capabilities and air bases. 

China, Russia and to a certain extend the Arab League have condemned the attacks. The Arab League supported the 'no fly zone' but not the excessive military attacks. Well, it is too late for the Arab League to call for a ceasefire.

The situation in Libya is totally different from Egypt. It is not a case of an uprising against the Libyan government. It is a civil war and the so called co-alition forces are supporting the rebels, which was not what the UNSC authorised them to do so.

The rebels are heavily armed including with fighter jets and anti-aircraft guns, one of  their  jets was shot down as shown on tv world-wide. 

Who are the rebels?  No one knows including Barack Hussein Obama. 

The UST took the opportunity to attack another Muslim state in order to install their puppet regime similar to   Iraq and Afghanistan and with the support of most of the oil-rich Arab states who are their allies  -  Saudi Arabia, Bahrain. Qatar, the UAE and Kuwait. 

It is no secret that since the 1970's the UST created the public opinion against what she called 'terrorism'. She exploited actions aimed at civil targets for her own aims whether they ensued from political or military movements not linked to the UST.

The UST deliberately resorted to generalisation by describing certain countries which go against her interests as terrorists, countries such as North Korea, Iran, Iraq and Libya. They also accused many Islamic movements of terrorism.

The world must wake up and realise that the United States of Terror is the head in the league of terrorism and the champion terroriser.  

Who is next?  Iran?

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Arab Saudi kerah 1,000 anggota tentera bantu Raja Bahrain

Kerajaan Arab Saudi tidak menunggu lama untuk membantu pemerintah Bahrain yang menghadapi kebangkitan rakyat sama seperti yang berlaku di Tunisia, Mesir, Libya dan Yaman.

Raja Arab Saudi dari dinasti Saud menghantar 1,000 anggota tentera lengkap dengan kereta perisai dan kereta kebal menyeberangi tambak yang menghubung Arab Saudi dengan negara pulau itu.

Kononnya campur tangan tentera Arab Saudi dan Emeriah Arab Bersatu atau UAE adalah atas permintaan Raja Bahrain.

Sebenarnya Raja Arab Saudi bimbang akan kebangkitan rakyatnya sendiri dan dengan itu dia tidak mahu melihat Raja Bahrain terpaksa turun takhta atau hilang kuasa pemerintahan mutlak kerana perkara yang sama akan menimpa keluarga 'diraja' al Saud.

Negara-negara Arab yang diperintah oleh keluarga raja menjalankan pemerintahan secara mutlak dengan melantik ahli keluarga untuk memegang jawatan penting kecuali di Oman dan Jordan. Oleh itu, sekiranya raja diguling atau hilang kuasa, maka seluruh keluarga akan merana.

Raja-raja Arab tidak mahu melihat rakan mereka hilang kuasa atau hilang tempat bergantung kerana ia akan turut melibatkan mereka.

Jika kerajaan Arab Saudi benar-benar berani dan ingin mempertahankan maruah bangsa Arab itu sendiri, kenapa tidak menghantar tenteranya itu untuk membantu membebaskan Palestin?

Malangnya, Arab Saudi dan negara-negara Arab Teluk seperti UAE melihat kepentingan Raja Bahrain jauh lebih utama dan mendesak daripada nasib yang menimpa rakyat Palestin. Atau mereka takut akan kekuatan tentera Yahudi yang disokong oleh Amerika Syarikat.

Semoga kuasa rakyat akan berjaya di semua negara Arab yang diperintah sama ada secara mutlak oleh keluarga raja atau secara autokrasi dan kuku besi oleh kepimpinan yang tidak dipilih secara bebas oleh rakyat.