Tuesday 18 October 2011

Malaysia condemns plot to kill Saudi envoy...?

Malaysia on Monday condemned the alleged assassination attempt on the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States. It was reported that Foreign Affairs minister Anifah Aman said Malaysia was deeply concerned with the alleged plot.

Malaysia's national news agency, Bernama,  reported that Anifah also called on the international community to strongly denounce the act, if proven, as it could further trigger serious confrontation and conflict in the Middle East.

Malaysia's late reaction to the allegations by the United States administration that linked Tehran to the alleged plot is questionable. Did Putrajaya or Wisma Putra pressured to issue the statement? 

It was only an allegation that was strongly denied by Iran and based on previous lies by Washington to justify their military  actions against certain countries, Afghanistan and Iraq in particular, Malaysia should not have dance to Uncle Sam's tune.

Remember the WMDs allegations against Iraq just to justify military actions by American and NATO that finally destroyed Iraq?  It was the biggest lies to the world by Washington and London and now Washington is  targeting Iran with another lie.

And Malaysia, once again, came out with the statement  to support the American allegation against Iran.


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